The American kitchen

Take advantage of your ESTA to go to the United States and discover the American cuisine. Rich and varied thanks to the multiple influences linked to the migrant population, American cuisine is not without interest and you should prepare your trip to the United States by considering the cuisine.

The famous American breakfast

The traditional breakfast is very similar to the one served in England. It is composed of:

The most common drinks to accompany this hearty breakfast are fruit juice and coffee with sugar and cream. American coffee is lighter in caffeine than the one we are used to drink in France.

Lunch on the go

Americans don’t spend much time on lunch. Lunch is usually eaten at or near the workplace; the goal being to get back to work quickly.

Prepared in advance, or purchased from stands or cafeterias, it usually consists of a sandwich, salad, soup, hot dog or a good burger. Considered as the national dish in the USA, the burger is not to be missed under any pretext!

The family dinner

In the United States, dinner requires a special emphasis. Shared as a family, it allows the different members to remain close and united. Just like in France, the food is varied and depends on the geographical location where you live. If you are invited, beware of American manners.

As for the most popular American cuisine, it is in New Orleans that you will find it! Tasty and spicy, due to its various influences (Spanish, French, Creole and African), many tourists come in droves every year just for the pleasure of tasting it! Guaranteed to wake up your taste buds!

If you need more information to prepare for your trip to the USA, don’t hesitate to consult our other articles on life in the USA. You will discover the advice of our experts to make your stay a success!