Modify ESTA

The ESTA form includes a large number of questions relating to various fields: identity, travel, health … Valid for two years after obtaining it, it may therefore be that you need to make changes during this period. Our team informs you about the terms of change to be made, if necessary.

Modifier une demande ESTA en cours

You have completed an ESTA application online and you want to modify the answers given to the form before proceeding to payment? It’s possible ! You can go back and edit your information.

Modify an ESTA after acceptance

If you wish to modify an ESTA that has already been validated, please note that only your email address and the address communicated in the United States can be corrected. The validity period of this document is two years, so people who have made changes to their identity (name, gender, nationality, etc.) or for whom the state of health, behavior or criminal record has changed, must update the information.

Similarly, if your passport expires during the two years, your residence permit is no longer considered “valid” and you must renew it.

Note: In case of loss of your ESTA document, you can retrieve a new copy of it by logging on to US Customs Official Site using your passport number.

Modify an ESTA following a refusal to issue

If you applied for an ESTA and it was refused, be aware that you can modify your form and redo your request online, within 10 days. The price is the same as for an initial request.

Le plus souvent les refus sont liés à des erreurs commises lors du remplissage du formulaire. Afin d’éviter toute déconvenue, qui pourrait vous coûter votre séjour aux États-Unis, soyez attentif pour ne commettre aucune erreur en remplissant votre demande d’attestation de voyage en ligne.